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  • Homeopathic program designed to temporarily relieve the symptoms associated with of the most common infectious agents
  • Based on Series Kits, a uniquely powerful and precise homeopathic approach to relieving the symptoms of chronic infection
  • A Series Kit contains ten vials, each with a different safe and effective dilution of the actual deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address
  • The vials are taken in series, increasing in potency for the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in potency for the second 30 days
History of Series Symptom Relief

In use for many years and one of the most powerful and comprehensive versions of homeopathy

  • Dr. Emmanuel Cahis, Spanish homeopath, developed serial remedies in 1911
  • Stauffen Pharma kits
  • Created in the 1920s
When Series Symptom Relief Is Recommended 
  • Patients who have been diagnosed with an infection
  • Patients who are showing signs or symptoms that correlate with a specific infection
  • Lab values
  • Clinical Acumen/Observation
  • Not intended for prophylactic use
Series Program 
  • DesBio’s Series Program consists of a basic 9-week protocol (7 days of detox, 60 days of Series Kits and support products), immediately followed by a 20-week support protocol
  • Series Kits are supported by Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit, Smart Silver, Companion Remedy and/or HerX and Liposomal Vitamin C
Why Detox with Series Kit
  • The body will function best when the burden of tissue toxicity is minimized
  • During the health deterioration, the body begins storing more toxins (both endogenous andexogenous) within the connective tissue matrix, leading to system-wide inflammation
  • When the body’s natural detoxification systems become overburdened, it impedes healing and worsens disease